Kitchen Table Gallery's 2nd of 3 shows for the month of February is featuring two artists, Matthew Lafferty and Clint Colbert. Matthew is an artist working in Brooklyn who studied photography and art history at Ohio University. Clint is a photographer who lives and works in Philly. The show will feature drawings and photography and will run for only this weekend, so don't miss it! Take a look at some of their work below and click on the links above to find out more information about each artist. I've had the opportunity this week to see their work and I'm excited for the show tomorrow. I like what I've seen.
Both artists have an appreciation for the mundane, which they allow to act as a backdrop bringing forth the working elements in their pieces. This is not to say their work is similar in vision, themes, or intentions - just the opposite. I can keep going but it's probably better if you just come out to their show tomorrow night. Looks like its gonna be a beautiful night in Philly for art.
Photo by Clint Colbert
Drawing by Matthew Lafferty
Photo by Clint Colbert
Drawing by Matt Lafferty
Photo by Clint Colbert